The FULL Chakra Cleanse: Chakra Warriors Coaching Program
Exclusive pricing for attendees only for the next 24 hours. Paypal or email transfers accepted for payment.
Q: What is your refund policy, if I do not want to continue with the program?
A: Sorry we do not offer refunds, as we offer many free options prior to committing to this program for you to try first. If you’re on the fence about purchasing, please try one of the free cleanses first. We also do giveaway free spots to this program, so please watch social media for contests.
Our refund policy reflects we need serious participants. In the past, its been a life changing experience for most participants. You must acknowledge this series isn’t easy prior to committing, because of the five week intense dedication to your journey of personal development and growth.
Q: I’ve heard you give out a free spot for this series. How can I apply for that?
A: Yes, we give a free spot (scholarship) away every program run, so keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for contests.
Chakra H2O & Chakra Warriors Program
ONE-TIME BULK ORDER: Chakra Cleanse Trial
- Get 12-bottles of Becoming: Sacral Chakra H2O or Home: Root Chakra H2O to drink with intention alongside your program for 25% off retail!
- Plus receive an oracle card with your order intuitively selected with hand written guidance from Brittany Marie Smith