Calm February: A Beginner Meditation Series
Guided Meditation & Discussion Circle
For Woman & Men 18+
Wednesday’s in February 6-8pm
Starting Janurary 25, 2017
@Brittany Marie Smith’s Office – 219A 21st Street East, Saskatoon, SK
Class Description Details
If you want to begin learning to live in the present moment, manage past guilt and future anxiety, develop positive thoughts, calm the mind, level emotions, and learn the basics of meditation and mindfulness, then check out this series.
Do you always think ahead with thoughts flooding your head? Do you want to live more calmly and bring focus on things that really matter?
Ideal for those with minimal mindfulness experience, it teaches the first steps to live in a more calm mindful way, while focusing on things you value. Learn to start focusing and appreciating things you enjoy in life and not get too worked up about the rest.
Sit. Be present. Breathe. Discuss. Then go home and build on what you learned each week. Experience real sleep, calm work days, and remaining calm in situations. Practice meditation and living in the present moment consistently for even a short period of time, and you will notice more calmness and ease in your life. Classes include learning the basics of traditional meditation, mindfulness, creative visualization, mantras, calming journaling, and chakras.
Five session series occurring once per week on Wednesdays. Come out and learn the basics, while experiencing a calmer shift throughout your life.
Take advantage group support and pricing. This isn’t just about breathing and relaxing, there’s more to shifting to a calmer lifestyle. It’s real tools to apply outside of meditation during your everyday life. I’m teaching you the tools I first started with that successfully still serve me today.
I’ve dedicated the past two years converting my lifestyle to something more pure, simplistic, and spiritual. My values reside in enjoying the moments in life, deriving pleasure from simply living, a calm mind, healthy body, meditation, yoga, helping people be their best, appreciating my loved ones, and unconditional love. If you you or your loved one could enjoy and get on board with this, then consider this series.
Check out this video I made outlining how meditation has gradually transformed my life. Also, how a steady meditation program slowly turns into a more present moment lifestyle. Maybe you can relate?
Registration Details
Ready to accept the challenge?
Classes run for 2 hours
Wednesday’s throughout February 6-8pm (with first class last week of January)
Starting January 25, 2017
Contact Brittany to Register by Jan 20, 2017
10 spots available for Woman & Men 18+
$99 for complete series
text/phone: 306-262-1113
Q: I have some experience with meditation, but I’m still interested. Is this the right series for me?
A: Participants with previous experience can join, if they feel a deep resonance with this class. If it calls to you, then feel free to join us. This series can be for an individual wanting to develop or get back into a regular meditation routine.
If you want intermediate meditation classes, click here.
Q: I want to resolve things and grow, but I’m worried about being in a group setting.
A: Rest assured most everyone in the class has some nervousness about their personal details in a group setting. You aren’t alone in your nervousness, and it doesn’t take long to get over it, when you realize you have an incredible supporting and trusting group.
If you absolutely can’t bare a group setting, then perhaps consider taking private coaching sessions from myself.
Q: What is your refund policy, if I do not want to continue with the class?
A: Sorry we do not offer refunds, because of our past experiences. In the past, this class sold out, so potential participants miss out due to the class filling before they could register. Therefore, if a participant discontinues the class, there’s another individual who also missed out on the opportunity, because you occupied that spot initially. We lose both money and another person who really needed the growing experience that would have appreciated your spot.
Our refund policy reflects we need serious participants. In extreme circumstances, we offer credits towards the next class series shall you need to discontinue for an unexpected reason.
Q: I’ve heard you give out a free spot for this series. How can I apply for that?
A: Yes, we give a free spot (scholarship) away every series. You can apply for this scholarship on Facebook. We will run the ad for the scholarship the week of October 24, 2016, so watch for our post outlining the details on my Facebook page. Congratulations to our winner Leanne Kennedy.