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Coaching Options

Just B Intuitive Coaching Options

Holy Duck It’s Q&A Monday!

If you want free advice on your relationship situation or got a healing and growth question, send your question to chiefduck@brittanymariesmith.com. It could be featured on the next Holy Duck It’s Monday! Don’t worry we’ll change your name and contact you for more details before we use it. Watch Holy Duck It’s Monday and more on my youtube channel.


One on One Private Coaching

If you want advice and guidance for your specific life or relationship situation, book a spot by emailing me at chiefduck@brittanymariesmith.com. I use both my experience and intuition during coaching sessions to deliver you clear guidance on actions and steps to take in your relationship. Sessions last one hour for $120 + GST. You will be given outlines, guidance, and action plans for your situation. Paypal or email transfers accepted for payment. 

Private Coaching Session

Chakra Warriors Coaching Program

An online coaching program with group support and guidance from me on how to apply the root chakra to your life for healing and growing without thinking about it as an energy center. Become the best you and experience this foundational chakra by adjusting behaviors, beliefs, emotions, thought patterns, and practicalities.

It’s the same system I used to heal and grew to becoming the best me after my mom dying, breaking up with my long-term boyfriend, and quitting my government job.

Right Now We’re on the Root Chakra!

You can join us at this price and start immediately until April 18, 2018! Paypal or email transfers accepted for payment. 


Module Outline

Are you looking to grow, move forward, and become the best you but not sure where to start? Let me introduce personal development using the chakra system! During this online program, i’ll give you tools to specifically apply the root chakra to your own life. You’ll have direct steps on applying and exercises for you to try at home.

Module 1: How to use fear to push you forward in life without becoming fearless​​​​​​​. ​​​​​​​My goal isn’t becoming fearless. It’s deciding what I want, how I want to live, and what I want to do or create is more important than the crippling fear holding me back.  We have a whole module on fear with baby steps to get you comfortable with the uncomfortable. Understanding, identifying, and exploring fear and its role in your life. We’ll teach you how to accept fear as a contributing part of yourself and manage it, so it doesn’t hold you back. We’ll use fear as a motivator with my four step tried and true sequence to taking action despite fear! Prioritize what you want over the crippling fear holding you back.

Module 2: WARNING: If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed with a racing mind, you’re letting life pass you by and you aren’t actually living. In module two, we focus on adapting to a mindful lifestyle through focusing on the present moment. Freeing yourself from past guilt, anxiety, stress and sabotaging thought patterns. Incorporating meditation and mindfulness practices.  There’s also simple actions to calm your mind, reduce stress, level emotions, and let the energy flow. We explore intuition, meditation, inner knowing, and how you’re a part of the whole.

Module 3: By using the chakra system when I felt lost, confused, misguided, and blocked, I knew exactly the next steps and actions to move forward in my healing and growing journey. I’ll show you how to surrender, trust, and survive your healing and growth journey. Being able to endure and embrace change, growth opportunities, and surrendering to universal intelligence. Exploring and understanding the beginnings of manifestation in our lives. Building character resilience, overcoming hardships, endurance, and accepting growth opportunities. Trusting and surrendering to the unfolding of our paths. Trusting ourselves first, then trusting universal intelligence, and finally trusting others. Increasing your energy and caring for your health using the root chakra.

Module 4: Determining and living through your core values, beliefs, and self worth. Determining what’s most important to you, and living your life according to that. Releasing influence from others and habits not serving you. Focusing your time, energy, and money on only things that matter. Exploring your subconscious self limiting beliefs and bringing them into conscious awareness. Releasing self limiting beliefs from past experiences and others including your parents.

Module 5: When I focused on what I had in my life instead of what I wanted or what others had, I become more happier, calm, and abundant. Developing an appreciation for life and what you have. Freeing yourself from depression, disappointment, gloomy thoughts, comparing yourself with others. Increasing happiness, satisfaction, and abundance with your own personal situation. Implementing a daily gratitude practice. Understanding the connection between gratitude and happiness and abundance. Implementing grounding practices and understanding the benefits of grounding. Increasing your energy, grounding, and caring for your health using the root chakra.