Chakras Through The Senses
Meditation, Mindfulness, Discussion Circle Series
For Woman 18+
Thursdays @ 6pm Starting October 6, 2016
@Brittany Marie Smith’s Office – 219A 21st Street East, Saskatoon, SK
The duck says, “If you’re thirsty, come drink the water, and you will love who you become.”
Class Description
This 10-session series is a growth journey and meditation with Brittany Marie Smith, Katherine Dempsey, and products from Vibe H2O Wellness Centre. This series teaches you to use meditation and other metaphysical tools to level emotions and behaviors typically associated with imbalances in the first three chakras.
“I became more comfortable with my spirituality. More self aware and intuitive. I learned to follow my higher self intuition and trust myself more.” Victoria R, Age 29, Saskatoon, SK
Three weeks will be focused on each of the first three energy centres using the following tools: higher self through various meditations, crystals and grids, chakra waters and sprays, sound therapy, color therapy, essential oils, affirmations, visualizations, movement, group discussions, behavioral and dietary changes, and journaling.
During your dedication to the series, you will notice changes in the following: confidence levels, self-esteem, self-worth, abundance, well-being, survival, trust, social placement, energy-levels, and more.
Any underlying emotional or behavioral issues in these energy systems will attempt to be resolved and balanced through this series. The end result is a better understanding of yourself, relationships, health, and your interaction/view of the world around you. This opens doors to a deeper understanding on life direction and what you need to serve your higher self resulting in less stress, clarity, and calmness.
“Being in this group with all of these wonderful women really changed the way I feel, react, and see things. I am more myself than ever, and I am starting to realize the true me.” Morgan Z, Age 20, Saskatoon, SK
It’s for woman who have a calling to step into their power, know themselves, resolve sticking points, find balance, and jump into becoming the best versions of themselves. A need to move forward and face those things in ourselves we’ve avoided. To change how we feel about ourselves, how we think, and our relationships. To expose our true raw selves, acknowledge what we see, then start the growth journey.
The series is ideal for truth seekers hungry for growth. A thirst for change. The need to go into ourselves and see the negative facets and judgments we need to overcome. It’s for those who have the will to look at themselves and separate truth from illusion. The series promotes healing and finding balance at many levels cutting through the shadows and illuminating truth within.
“I changed and altered things about myself that I tried to do for years. It gave me the power to step out and away from the rigid roles I had placed on myself. It removed the deep feelings of desperation I had about how to be and what I should be doing with my life.” Donna O, Age 63, Saskatoon, SK
This series has been life changing for most previous participants. You must acknowledge this series isn’t easy prior to committing, because of the ten week intense dedication to your journey of personal development and growth. We all know true strength is found within, but it’s not always easy to look at ourselves. Change can be uncomfortable to accept during your journey, but it leads to nothing short of amazing outcomes in our workshop.
A testimonial from a previous participant, when asked what they would tell future people, if they were hesitant to purchase this series:
“I would say it will be some of the best time and money you will ever spend. However, you do have to have a genuine willingness to make shifts and changes in your life.” Donna O, Age 63, Saskatoon, SK
Registration Details
Ready to accept the challenge?
Classes run 2.5-3hrs with breaks
Thursdays @ 6pm Starting October 6
Registration Week September 27 – October 4, 2016
9 spots available
$499 with all products included
Payment plans available (3 payments of $179)
Contact Brittany to Register
Don’t forget to take the chakra quiz!
Q: I want to learn the basics of meditation. Is this the right class for me?
A: It’s preferred participants have previous experience with meditation before joining. However, we will not reject beginner meditators, if they feel a deep resonance with this class. If it calls to you and you can dedicate yourself to the series, then feel free to join us.
If you do want a beginner meditation class, click here.
Q: I want to resolve things and grow, but I’m worried about being in a group setting.
A: Rest assured most everyone in the class has some nervousness about their personal details in a group setting. You aren’t alone in your nervousness, and it doesn’t take long to get over it, when you realize you have an incredible supporting and trusting group.
If you absolutely can’t bare a group setting, then perhaps consider taking private coaching sessions from myself.
Q: What is your refund policy, if I do not want to continue with the class?
A: Sorry we do not offer refunds, because of our past experiences. In the past, this class sold out, so potential participants miss out due to the class filling before they could register. Therefore, if a participant discontinues the class, there’s another individual who also missed out on the opportunity, because you occupied that spot initially. We lose both money and another person who really needed the growing experience that would have appreciated your spot.
Our refund policy reflects we need serious participants. In the past, its been a life changing experience for most participants. You must acknowledge this series isn’t easy prior to committing, because of the ten week intense dedication to your journey of personal development and growth.
In extreme circumstances, we offer credits towards the next class series shall you need to discontinue for an unexpected reason.
Q: I’ve heard you give out a free spot for this series. How can I apply for that?
A: Yes, we give a free spot (scholarship) away every series, but I handle this series different than my other offerings. We choose the individual according to financial situations and personal needs. Katherine, previous participants, clients, or myself often suggest potential individuals in need of growth and who often can’t afford this series, and I approach them with the opportunity.
Unfortunately, you can’t apply for this scholarship, but you can offer us recommendations for future potential scholarship recipients. If you are interested in scholarships to my other programs, please click here.
The scholarship recipient for this year’s series is Alicia Donaldson.
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