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 About Me & The 9-Week Chakra Cleanse


Thank you for your interest in working with me, becoming a conscious creator of your dreams, and choosing to push through your fears to create the exact life you want! Here’s a bit about me and my program!

Q: How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become a Chakra Cleanse Coach?

To answer this question, it’s best I share with you a defining moment and a resulting compelling story that brought me to where I am today – coaching people like you to confidently push through their fears, gain clarity, get unstuck, heal, utilize the chakras daily, and reach their goals to move forward, transform, and create the exact life they want.

At age 27, that defining moment in my life happened on March 30, 2014, when my mother passed away from colon cancer. During her two year dying journey her life changed, and my sister and I witnessed this transformation in our mother, as her primary caregivers. I was able to watch her transform into a beautiful unconditionally loving and forgiving person, as she healed her own emotional traumas from her marriage and our relationship. Although she was my number one fan, I had reservations in our relationship from typical mother/daughter struggles and her dissolved marriage with my father. Watching her die changed my entire perspective on life. The cliché of life being short became a catalyst for the realization I wasn’t living the life I wanted and being true to me for what little undetermined time I had left here on earth. I was doing things wrong, and I needed to change things to start living the life I wanted.

At the time, I had an environmental career in middle management for Corrections Canada and a long term relationship of four years. When she passed, I decided to wipe the slate clean in an effort to be true to myself and honor my life here on earth. I quit my job, broke up with my boyfriend, and ditched my obsession with science. Although it wasn’t easy and hard to admit, I knew those things were making me unhappy and life was too short to be doing things I didn’t want to do nor be in a mediocre relationship. I knew I wanted to be the best authentic me, enjoy life, and make the most of everyday we have. I felt compelled to share this message with others, and I was determined to set an example through creating the exact life I wanted.

I had built a career in the science field and had always been very logic based in my thinking. After my mother’s death, I began to question death and the afterlife. I started seeking out more information about spirituality and personal development inspired by my mother’s dying journey and death. I was never one to believe in spirituality, and I thought death was just death. Previously, I refused to believe in any higher power, but my mother’s dying journey but this experience exposed me to new ways of thinking and believing. I was a closed minded person before I was transformed by my mother’s death. I began listening to my intuition in honor of what I had witnessed in the hospital with my mom. I started to expose myself to new more spiritual experiences including taking a class in card reading and researching chakras. I felt like chakras were like guide posts for my healing work and provided the perfect balance of logic and spirituality.

Over the next year, I fully stepped into the person I wanted to be and stopped making excuses. I made a full commitment to the life I wanted to live. At times, I was scared, but I pushed through the fear, so I could fully evolve. I was uncomfortable at times, but making the tough decisions helped me enjoy radical transformation. I spoke and lived my truth, which provided me a deep sense of freedom. I could be the true me and was finally comfortable in my own skin. I was living authentically, and I stopped allowing other people from interfering with my true identify. As a result, I felt a huge sense of relief.

After the card reading class, my intuition fully opened. I began using card reading to coach people to get back on their life track by telling them the tough stuff to help them do that. I had always had an ability to deliver hard information to people and give them a dose of the truth. I began taking on clients eventually growing my business to max capacity, and then clients wanted more support on their journey instead of just a reading. I noticed people were seeking guidance on finding purpose, getting unstuck, healing, pushing through fears, relationships, and decision making. Guided by intuition, I was able to deliver the information necessary, so they could take the steps and take bold action. I watched my clients find relief, happiness, confidence, and new opportunities in their lives.

Once I incorporated the chakra system to heal and transform my life after my mother’s death, I started teaching other woman to do the same through card readings and small private groups. I watched them transform, heal, and grow. Then I took it a step further and began coaching clients one-on-one and launched a pilot coaching program for the lower two chakras. I’ve watched my clients transform, own their journey, and step into the lives of their dreams! I am now excited to provide more than just a card reading and pilot program, because I’m committed to helping women (and a few men) from all over the world to use the chakra system to heal, grow, get unstuck and transform into the exact life they want!

Today I celebrate my mother’s death, as the milestone and catalyst to creating the exact life I want, finding love, and stepping into my dreams, because I know life is short. I’m using the chakra system to keep me accountable to always living my most authentic purpose and way of life, pushing through my fears, being intuitive, and always always growing myself and my relationships, while showing people ready to get unstuck how to do the same and step into the exact life they want!

I’ve created a 9-Week Chakra Cleanse, which includes a series of steps adjusted to each individual’s needs: mindset adjustments, pushing through your fears, healing, gaining clarity on your path, applying chakras as guideposts, guidance to reach your goals, standing in your power, and transforming. This is for every individual looking to get unstuck and move forward to create the exact life they want, while living authentically true to themselves.                                                             

Q: Who are your clients?

I work with individuals just like you who crave creating the exact life they want, getting unstuck, pushing through their fears, and living the life of their dreams. 

I work with those who:

-Want clarity on the next steps for their path, relationships, or healing

-Conscious creators or entrepreneurs wanting actualize their purpose 

-Confident people wanting the extra motivation and push reach their goals and create the exact life they want

-Want to heal and move forward from past hurts and traumas to stop unhealthy patterns and habits holding them back

-Want to close the endless cycles and stop patterns keeping them stuck

-Want to push past their fears, sdjust mindset, and gain mindfulness

-Want to learn how to heal and balance chakras, apply them to your life, and use them as guideposts for moving forward

-Confidently living true to yourself


Q:What makes you different from other “Chakra Cleansing Experts”?                                                                       

Because I do have a more logical perspective due to my background, I approach the chakras in a tangible way. In my program, we heal and balance the chakras through behaviors, mindset, coaching exercises, module work, and one-on-one meetings. I uncover your own individual struggles and goals then pair them with chakra work, while offering truthful guidance for your own situation. It’s a unique holistic approach tailored specifically for cleansing with your own actions and adjustments. Usually energy practitioners clear your chakras, while providing you an energy treatment. This cleanse puts you in control and gives you tangible actions to meet your goals, overcome your struggles, and learn to clear and balance your own chakras. It’s a coaching program concerned with gaining clarity and creating the exact life you want, while utilizing the chakras and applying them to your own life situation. Plus you get me motivating you and keeping you accountable with truthful insight. This isn’t just an energy adjustment. It’s a journey to transform into your authentic self and live the life of your dreams.

Q: What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?

The Chakra Cleanse calls, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about pushing through their fears, getting unstuck, gaining clarity on the next steps, moving forward from past hurts, closing endless cycles, healing, and reaching goals – it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I want things to change but I’m not sure where to go from here.” They were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to confidently push through your fear to create and step into the exact life you want!

Being a brave, no-nonsense, and resilient woman myself, I’m known to work best with other brave, no-nonsense, resilient people committed to their success no matter what who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to get unstuck and confidently push through their fear to create the exact life they want. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!”  In order to be a chakra warrior enrolled in my program, you will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal to create and step into the exact life you want.                                                    

Q: For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work

Please know I’m selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for (It wouldn’t be fair to them). I won’t coach anyone in an area I don’t have experience in nor feel confident coaching them. The Chakra Cleanse programs are NOT for those who have no money coming in and are absolutely, financially desperate, at least not right away. It’s been my experience that people in financial crisis do not trust the recommendations I give them and do not do the work (probably because they spend so much time worrying about where they are going to get next month’s rent check or mortgage payment.) If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK. We’ve all been in times of financial crisis at one point or another.

Do yourself (3) favors:                                                            –

-Get some money coming in with a full-time or part-time job at the very least, and then call me. This will take the edge off and provide a little more peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to focus on your Chakra Cleanse assignments and the BIG picture.

-Sign up for the free email updates at www.justbcoaching.com. The free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on- one.                                                                                               

-Make a point to read the weekly emails. The tips are sent over week and will give you LOTS to think about.

-Join my FREE facebook group to learn how to apply the chakra system logically to move forward and step into the exact life you want! Join us here: https://bit.ly/8daychakracleanse

Doing these three things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. I’m in no rush and will be here when you need me. Another type of personality I won’t work with include people not taking accountability, the chronic skeptic,  and individuals consistently making excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program.


The Chakra Cleanse programs are NOT for those who have severe drug and alcohol co-dependence. If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK, but you require other expertise first prior to taking this program.

Do yourself (3) favors:                                                       

  1. Get some support or counselling from a professional specializing in this area. The Chakra Cleanse may be used alongside your healing journey, but you will need healthy habits enough to focus on your Chakra Cleanse assignments and the BIG picture.
  2. Sign up for the free email updates at www.justbcoaching.com. The free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on- one.                                                                                               
  1. Make a point to read the weekly emails. The tips are sent over week and will give you LOTS to think about.
  2. -Join my FREE facebook group to learn how to apply the chakra system logically to move forward and step into the exact life you want! Join us here: https://bit.ly/8daychakracleanse


Q: What exactly is the 9-Week Chakra Cleanse and what does it include?

The 9-Week Chakra Cleanse begins with gaining clarity on the next steps and following your path/purpose, set goals, confidently push through your fears, close endless cycles keeping you stuck, find motivations, discipline, heal, embrace change, become a conscious creator and manifest, stand in your power, chase your dreams, and use the chakras as guideposts to get you results as well as the outer pieces to powerfully reach your goals and step into the exact life you want. Here’s what the system gets you to do, and we do adjust according to your individual struggles and goals:


  1. Set Your Goals & Chakra Assignments

We examine where you are and get CRYSTAL clear about your tangible goals and what you want to experience in your personal life, relationship, life path, or business. Before you can manifest what you want you have to be clear on what you want. You might already know what you need to change but don’t know where to go next, what you need to get there, or feel stuck. If you don’t have a clear outcome, you often don’t finish what you start. Get clear on the results you’re working towards. What does success look like to you? We’re going to specifically define your goal, because specifics make it clear and ensure success both with ourselves and the universe listening.

During the first week, the chakras you will be working closely with to overcome your struggles and reach your goals will be revealed, explored, and explained and outlined for guideposts during your journey. You will be applying these selected chakras to your life during your whole program. You will also be assigned additional material based on the chakras unique to your needs, struggles, and goals.                                                 

  1. Push Through Your Fears

​​​​​​​We identify and tackle fear first to catch those self doubt gremlins surfacing and holding you back! How to use fear to push you forward in life without becoming fearless​​​​​​​. ​​​​​​​My goal isn’t becoming fearless. It’s deciding what I want, how I want to live, and what I want to do or create is more important than the crippling fear holding me back.  I’ll make sure you do the same. We’ll teach you how to accept fear as a contributing part of yourself and manage it, so it doesn’t hold you back and make you uncomfortable. Then we support you through those things holding you back and put you into action, so you can step into creating the exact life you want.                                                                  

3.Mindset & Manifestation

We do mindset adjusting, focus on adapting to a mindful lifestyle, and freeing yourself from past guilt, anxiety, stress and sabotaging thought patterns. Once we got your mindset adjusted, then we can fully work with manifestation to meet your goals and overcome the fears. I’ll show you how to surrender, trust, and build resilience during your healing and growth journey plus find comfort during your journey. Being able to endure and embrace change, growth opportunities, and surrendering to universal intelligence is key. You’ll learn to trust and surrender to the unfolding path, trust universal intelligence, and finally trust others. You’ll also learn manifestation techniques and using them to create the life of your dreams – for motivation and reach your goals and align with our desires and intentions.                                                                     

4.Determining the exact life you want                         

Determining and living through your core values, beliefs, and self worth in your personal life, relationships, dreams, purpose, work, and day-to-day living. Determine what’s most important to you and live your life according to that. Release influence from others and habits not serving you. Focus your time, energy, and money on only things that matter. Explore your subconscious self limiting beliefs, continue moving through fears, and using mindset manifestation to really create and shape the exact life you want.                                                                  

5.Healing Past Hurts & Trauma

Complete heart chakra healing. Here we’ll explore releasing the past and nurturing yourself, while loving yourself and others. Forgiveness explored in depth. We’ll focus on finding emotional balance and practicing emotional intelligence, developing healthy relationships with others, and releasing codependence in relationships. You’ll determine your relationship goals and know what you want for yourself and in others. Setting boundaries and enforcing them. 

  1. Mastering Communication & Shared Meaning

Chances are you’re just one crucial conversation away from having what you want whether it be the relationship of your dreams, the business you want to actualize, healing, or seeing the next steps in your path. We go into the art of communication, negotiation, articulating yourself, and the art of tactful communication. Here we continue to live life according to our values, beliefs, and self worth through clear communication with others. The relationship, business, and life of your dreams can only be created, when you know how to negotiate and find shared meaning with others. Express and live what you need and what’s best for others around you.

Learn to truthfully express from your heart, tactfully assert boundaries and make negotiations, as an essential part of creating the life of your dreams. 

If you’re building your purpose, I’ll show you how to communicate best with your audience and ideal clients.                                                                 

7/8. Focus & Implementation & Step Into Your Power                                

Each week we have a one-on-one call, where I ensure you take action during the whole program. However, now that you’re armed with all of the right knowledge, pushed through your fear, got your mindset right, healed from past hurts, gained confidence, know your work and what you want, and know how to properly express yourself, you can now implement everything you’ve learned and take this to the next level of fully going out and getting the life you want. Whether it’s finally taking the first steps to leave your job, ignite your business, move-in with your lover, find a new lover, set your boundary, step into who you are, or whatever has evolved to creating the exact life you want, I’ll take you to the doing level, guide you through it, and get the result. You have full support to make it comfortable

Here we really tune into goal setting and make a plan to turn your dreams into reality then do it! Together we’ll devise an action plan for how to get out there and make your dreams come true. We’ll look at what you should be focusing on to move your forward. What actions you need to be taking each day to maintain your knowledge, use the chakras, and continue your healing so you continue to grow and meet your goal of creating the exact life you want.                                                                                   

  1. Graduation & Intuitive Guidance

With the one-on-one calls, I give you intuitive insights for your path, and I deliver messages from the cards during three of the coaching calls. Before saying goodbye, I’ll make sure you go it down for the future and you can rinse and repeat the cycle to continue getting results. Also, you may need to take further steps to chase your dreams, so I’m going to help you follow through! I’ll give you the tools and suggest additional material to keep you going on the right path. The graduation week includes your last card reading and bonus materials for applying your chakras to your life. You’re going to keep going and continue being a conscious creator!


Q: Does this really work?                                                                  

Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset, pushing through your fears, and, “Feeling 200% different. This program honestly changed my life. I have a firmer grasp on who I am and what I want out of life.” See Testimonials: www.justbcoaching.com/testimonials                                                                                                                                                       

Q: What results can I expect?                                                               

You can expect to:                                                               

-Confidently pushing through your fear to create and step into the exact life you want

-Learn to create, manifest, set goals, and live the life of your dreams

-Clarity on the next steps and following your path, purpose, and healing

-Motivation, discipline, and energy to reach your goals, embrace change, heal, stand in your power, and transform

-Heal and move forward from past hurts and traumas to stop unhealthy patterns and habits holding you back

-Closing the endless cycles and stopping patterns keeping you stuck

-Adjust mindset and gain mindfulness

-How to logically heal and balance chakras, apply them to your life, and use them as guideposts for moving forward

-Have big breakthroughs

-Create new standards for yourself and others

-Create healthy boundaries

-The art of communication negotiation to have the exact life and relationship of your dreams

-Confidence in authentically living true to yourself


Q: Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?                                                               

Yes, I encourage you to! Please go to the Client Testimonials (www.justbcoaching.com/testimonials) page and read all of them.                                                            

Q: How quickly can I expect results?

That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and push through their fears to chase after the life they want in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work. It also depends on how resistant you are to change and keeping an open mind. If you want a life you’ve never lived, then you’re going to have to do things differently. Do things the same and get the same life. Keep an open mind remembering your intention, priorities, goals, and WHY. If you put your disbelief aside, take some risks, do the work, and go for it…you’ll wake up and realize you’ve made some pretty big shifts towards the life of your dreams

Q: How can I guarantee myself that I will get more confidence to push through my fears to create and step into the life I want in record time?                                                                       

Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Keep an open mind and continue your mindset exercises. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of the Chakra Cleanse have successfully changed their life and grasped what they want in much less time than they would have on their own AND have created the life they want.                                                                       

Q: Brittany, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?                                                                 

Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your business goals… The best way to work with me is in my 9-Week Chakra Cleanse. Here’s some of the results you can expect…                                                                       

-Confidently pushing through your fear to create and step into the exact life you want

-Learn to create, manifest, set goals, and live the life of your dreams

-Clarity on the next steps and following your path, purpose, and healing

-Motivation, discipline, and energy to reach your goals, embrace change, heal, stand in your power, and transform

-Heal and move forward from past hurts and traumas to stop unhealthy patterns and habits holding you back

-Closing the endless cycles and stopping patterns keeping you stuck

-Adjust mindset and gain mindfulness

-How to logically heal and balance chakras, apply them to your life, and use them as guideposts for moving forward

-Have big breakthroughs

-Create new standards for yourself and others

-Create healthy boundaries

-The art of communication negotiation to have the exact life and relationship of your dreams

-Confidence in authentically living true to yourself                                                                                                                          

Q: OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?                            Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at chiefduck@brittanymariesmith.com or call me directly 1-306-262-1113, and I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!